In order to help us accomplish these tasks we resolve, by the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit, to:

Put Christ first in all areas of our lives by yielding totally to His Lordship and seeking His will in all that we do;

Indicate a desire to grow spiritually by learning and applying the Word of God as we maintain public, private and family times of devotions.

Show our love for one another by setting a Godly example of Christian living, never involving ourselves in actions that will cause a brother or sister to stumble, governing our tongues so that they will be used for encouragement, edification and exhortation of our fellow believers and interceding for one another in prayer; 

Show our love for the lost by living in such a way that they can see the Lord Jesus reflected in our lives and by sharing the gospel with them as the Holy Spirit gives us opportunities; 

Show our love for our church by our faithfulness in attendance in worship and Bible study and by supporting the work of our church through our tithes and offerings.