An Interview with Ronnie Hardin
Q. What is your role at Temple Baptist Church and when did you begin serving here?
I am the Associate Pastor of Worship and I began this tenure in January of 2000. I also served as the youth pastor from about 76-81.
Q. What is one book (other than the Bible) that you have read recently that has had a significant impact upon you? How did it change you?
“Sing” by Keith and Kristyn Getty. Mainly I enjoyed the encouragement they gave to be the leader God called me to be through the service to the church and in family worship too. The firm purpose of each member to sing is commanded in scripture. Colossians 3:16 and all the benefits worship brings.
Q. What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
One of them is John 15:5 and the whole section from verse 1-17. A reminder to keep close to Father God, bearing fruit, and loving one another.
Q. Who are some of the most influential theologians/pastors/church leaders in your life?
One growing up was a former pastor, Billy Skinner. He showed me how to grow in faith by example. I stayed with him and his family one summer in Youngstown, Ohio and, growing in my faith, I asked Bro. Skinner what does this scripture mean and he said “I could tell you what I think but why don’t you go to your basement room and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the meaning”. Very wise words!
Q. What’s your favorite worship song/hymn?
Right now it’s “My Worth is not in What I own” by the Gettys performed by Shane and Shane
Q. What hobbies do you have?
My grandchildren, Painting, woodworking, and I love traveling with my bride of almost 45 years.
Q. Why do you love serving at Temple Baptist Church?
I love her people and they never cease to encourage me. I do continue to grow in my faith and craft and hopefully am learning how to serve my Lord better and be an example of a believer who loves the church and God and his word. Deuteronomy 6:5

Ronnie Hardin
Worship Pastor
Ronnie was called as a minister of Temple in 2000 after serving a number of other local churches in the area. In addition to serving in Temple’s music ministry, Ronnie previously served as a Youth Minister from 1975-1980 and graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2002. Ronnie and his wife Charlene have two children, Amy and David, and grandchildren: Christian, Mariah, Isaiah, Alexander & Aislynn.
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