“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven!” – Matthew 18:3-4

A child has as much value as any adult. A child is as important to the Kingdom as any adult. But a child is not just a “little adult.” Children are different than adults, and we believe they should be given the opportunity to worship on their own level! For this reason, we offer a robust children’s church program for kid’s from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade!
Our children’s church has all of the same elements that “adult church” has – singing, offering, a message from the Bible, and more! – but with a presentation that meets children where they are at developmentally. This allows our children to learn about and participate in worship without neglecting their needs. Children’s Church isn’t about removing the kids from worship; it’s about involving them in a worship experience that’s just a right fit for them!
We offer two sections of children’s church year-round, with the exception of July. One section is led by Jodi Doughty in the Children’s building for those our 4-5 year olds. The other section is led by Kathy Sears down the adult wing for 1st thru 5th graders. Parent’s are always free to keep their kids with them in the main service, but are always welcome to allow their children to participate in this customized worship time that looks directly towards the heart of the child!